
Saturday, 29 December 2012



Friday, 21 December 2012

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

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Monday, 17 December 2012


Your Ad Here

Adbrite is the second most popular ad network solution among Indian and Asian Publishers/Webmaster/Bloggers. Especially newbie bloggers, whose applications get rejected by Adsense, joins Adbrite. Adbrite is a very clean Ad Network allows small publishers/webmasters/bloggers to join their program also. Adbrite pays on every valid click and their PPC rate is really good not high as Adsense but also not very less than to Adsense. The only problem with Adbrite is their payment method, they pay via Cheque. And most of Indian Bloggers/ Publishers feel unable to receive their Cheque. They send Cheques via ordinary post. So most of the bloggers/ publishers from India think Adbrite is a scam.
Adbrite LogoI have seen discussion about Adbrite and their payments on may forums and website. Every people who couldn't get any Cheque from Adbrite believe Adbrite is a big Scam. I oppose them because I have tested their service and payment method. It all begins 14 months before when I was joined Adbrite Publisher Program. I was shown their ads on my two new blogs which was the Blogspot blogs. Both had very small traffic only few hundred impressions every day (below 1000 impressions). On that time I was new on Adbrite so I was decided to shows their ads only for few weeks. I did so and since Adbrite have no any restriction for Minimum Trash hold hence I was set the Minimum cheque amount about $20.00 USD. After Few weeks I was reached the minimum payment amount. Hence Adbrite pays on Net-60 basis; hence every payment on Adbrite becomes eligible for payments after the 60 days.
After about 65 days I was received an Email from Adbrite says, "Your Cheque [Check] for the payment of $22.00 USD has been mailed to your postal address, please wait for up to 30 days to receive the cheque". I did so. But after waiting for more than 42 days I was not received any cheque. Then I decided to contact to Adbrite Team for the undeceived payment. After about 24 hours I was received an Email from Adbrite says, Sorry for in-connivance we have requested a Stop on Payments which will be done at the end of the month". I again waited on next month I was received the same email says, "You cheque for the payment of $22.00 USD has been mailed to your postal address, please wait for up to 30 days to receive the cheque" I did so. But this time again I was not received any cheque. Than I was think that Adbrite is a scam. So I had been decided to quite with Adbrite.
But after few weeks I was read a forum query at digital point about Adbrite Payment Method. Some peoples was shared that they have get paid via PayPal. Then I decided to contact the Adbrite Support Team Again. I contacted them and asked, Does Adbrite Pay via PayPal. I got replied, "No, At Present we only pay via Cheques drawn on US Dollars only.
Than I did same as any blogger will do, stop showing their ads and deleted all the Ad slots. And start working continue with Adsense. But again in January 2011, Adbrite was send an Email about the same payment says,
"A Cheque for your payment of $23.71 USD was sends to your postal address".
I was amazed why they have sent me the cheque while I was stopped showing their ads. But this time too I was not received any cheque from Adbrite. Contact Again Adbrite team on February 2, 2011 and said them it's OK I have understand Adbrite is nothing else than a scam and I don't want to show their ads.
On the next day I received an Email from Adbrite support team says, "We have understand that you are unable to receive you payments via cheques so we will happy to extend your payment method to PayPal. Please Email scanned copies of the following documents to us".
  1. Drivers License
  2.  Passport or any Other Government Issued ID Card.
  3. Any Current utility bills send on your address.
  4. PayPal Request Form (emailed by them on my email address).
I was confused should I send these documents to them or not, I was consulting many bloggers and publishers but no one has listened before that "Adbrite Agreed to Pay via PayPal. But I decided to take another chance. I emailed the required document asked by them after 2 days. And just after 4 hours i received an Email from Adbrite says,
Thanks, we have verified all the documents, and we feel happy to set your Payment Method to PayPal. You will receive your payments on March 2011.
I was decided to check my Adbrite Account again, did so, but not find any option related to PayPal, and my payment option showing payment method to Cheques. Oh' not again. But yesterday on March 7, 2011 i was received my Payment via PayPal. Nice!
Now I can say that, Adbrite is not a Scam and they cares about their Publishers very well. I don't know how bloggers may have the same experience like me. But now I am deciding to start with Adbrite again with higher Traffic Blogs. Here is the screenshots of the Payment Received from Adbrite via PayPal.
The Answer of the Question, Does Adbrite Pays Publishers via PayPal? Is; Yes Adbrite can Pay Their Publishers via PayPal but not every Publisher.
Adbrite is not a Scam.

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Sunday, 9 December 2012

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Wednesday, 5 December 2012


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Download Plugin WP Robot 3.50 Full Version Gratis | Wulan Apriliani

WP Robot is a powerful and easy to use autoblogging plugin for WordPress weblogs allowing you to turn your blog on complete auto-pilot and drip-feed it with fresh content in regular intervals you specify. And the best part: The posts created will be targeted to any keyword you enter and any topic you could ever think of!
WP ROBOT version 3.50 INSTALLATION steps:
1. If you have a wp-robot version 3 installation that doesn’t work, then:
1.1. First, uninstall that version:
WP Dashboard > WP Robot 3 > Options >
goto the bottom of the WP Robot 3 Options page >
Find out the “Resetting and Uninstalling” Menu >
(Uninstall WP Robot) <= Click There
2. Install wp-robot version 3.00
3. Activate wp-robot version 3.00
4. Goto WP Dashboard > WP Robot 3 > Campaigns
5. Input ANY email there
6. Goto WP Robot 3 > Templates > Select Page: (right side) > Module Templates.
7. Make sure that all the modules are activated.
8. If the modules are activated, then deactivate the wp-robot 3.00 plugin:
Goto WP Dashboard > Plugins > Active Plugins > Find out WP Robot 3 Plugin > Deactivate
9. Now, install the new wp-robot version 3.50:
Goto Plugins > (Add New) <= Click Here
Install Plugins > (Upload) <= Click Here
Select the wp-robot version 3.50 zip file from your HD and install
10. Activate the new wp-robot version 3.50 plugin
11. Goto WP Robot 3 > Templates > Select Page (right side) > Module Templates.
12. Make sure that you have all the modules activated.
13. Enjoy.
Download Full Version :
Download Plugin WP Robot 3.50 Full Version Gratis | Wulan Apriliani

Monday, 3 December 2012

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Sunday, 2 December 2012

Hanya orang-orang terpilih yang dapat menemukan halaman web ini.
Karena siapapun yang menemukan halaman web ini, bukan hanya hidupnya yang akan berubah 180 derajat, utamanya dari sisi finansial.

Melainkan gaung namanya juga
akan masuk dalam CATATAN SEJARAH DUNIA
serta dikenang sepanjang perjalanan dunia